"Thank You" to for their donation of $1,000.00 in water bottles for our students.
1. Middle States Association for Colleges and Schools - Commissions on Secondary and Elementary Schools
LVDLCS has been recommended to the Commission for Accreditation. Click on the link for LVDLCS report of the Visiting Team's recent evaluation.
2. LVDLCS Fiesta Latina
At LVDLCS, We Celebrate the Rich Heritage Of the Diverse
Hispanic Culture with our unique
Fiesta Latina every year!!!!
Dear Parents or Guardians,
At Lehigh Valley Dual Language Charter School (LVDLCS) we celebrate the rich heritage of the diverse Hispanic culture. LVDLCS believes that art is one of the multiple ways use to express the life, energy, and colors that distinguishes the Hispanic world.
It is for this reason that we would like to create a wall in our school’s Cultural Center, dedicated to the arts and culture that represent us.
To be able to reach our goal, we would need your help and donations. We are asking our LVDLCS’ Hispanic families for an art piece donation; an art piece that represents your country of origin or any Hispanic country that you have visited and would like to share with us.
Each art piece -preferably- should be framed with a specific size.
For example;
If it’s framed,
no bigger than 12”x 24”
If it’s a tridimensional piece or sculpture,
no bigger than 5”x 6”
If it’s a plate,
24cm diameter or smaller
LVDLCS will reward your donation by giving you volunteer hours!
We would like to thank you in advance for your donation and your willingness to help our school on the desire to show the art’s richness that represent our Hispanic countries.
4. The Pulsera Project
The Pulsera Project Sale was a HUGE success AGAIN!
We sold 72 bracelets!!
We sold all 06 purses!!
In total LVDLCS raised $420.00 for this awesome organization that helps to empower Central American Communities
Thanks to all who purchased something or supported in some way!! We'll definitely do it again next year!
This art piece is a feather that was painted by a recognized artist in Costa Rica. It depicts one of Costa Rica's national bird, the toucan (Tucán) and a volcano; which distinguishes the south American country as home of some of the world's most popular active volcanoes.
Welcome to the Fiesta Latina
Hispanic Heritage Month
La Mega Radio Station